What is the harm in plastic?
91% of all bottles ending up in landfills and oceans, for hundreds of years.

What is alkaline water?
Alkaline water has more hydrogen or a higher pH level. The lower the hydrogen level, the higher the level of acid in water. The pH level of water ranges from 0 to 14; where 7 is considered neutral or balanced. If water is below 7 on the pH scale, it is acidic. If it is higher than 7, it is alkaline.
How is alkaline water beneficial?
A higher level of alkaline reduces acid in the body and in the bloodstream. This in turn helps improve gut health.
What is the alkalinity of North Water?
The pH level of North Water is within the range of 8.2.
What makes aluminum a better alternative?
Aluminum is infinitely recyclable, with 75% of all aluminum ever produced still in use.
On average, it takes just 60 days to manufacture one aluminum can, fill it up with a beverage, deliver it to a store, sell it to a customer, recycle it and make a new can from it.
An aluminum can today contains 13 grams of aluminum, much of it recycled compared to 1959 when it contained 85 grams of aluminum.
Can aluminum be recycled?
More than 113,000 cans are recycled every minute in the world. Aluminum is infinitely recycled without any deterioration in quality. Aluminum is one of the only materials in the consumer disposal stream that more than pays for the costs of its own collection.
How efficient is the aluminum recycling process?
The aluminum can is the only packaging that more than covers its recycling cost. Recycled cans require 95% less energy to make new cans. The energy saved by recycling cans is equivalent to 20 million barrels of oil or 12 billion kWh of electricity each year. The average aluminum can contains 68% total recycled content.
How sustainable is water production in general?
When it comes to overall water use, the bottled water industry is actually a very small and efficient water user. Bottled water uses only 0.011 percent of all water used in the United States. Bottled water also has the lowest water- and energy-use ratios of all packaged beverages. On average, it takes only 1.32 liters of water to produce 1 liter of finished bottled water (including the liter of water consumed), which is the lowest water-use ratio of any packaged beverage product. And on average, only 0.24 Megajoules of energy are used to produce 1 litre bottle of water.
Ball Corporation | World Aluminum Organization | International Bottled Water Association | Beverage Marketing